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Dear Nomads: It’s Time to Stop Using the G-Word.

 Written By: Everest Kole  Trigger Warning.  This article will use an ethnic slur that will be censored with a “*”, only for context purposes.  It should also be noted that I am not Romani, and am no way a spokes person for the oppression that the Romani people have faced and still face today. I am just an anti-racists individual who will always use my platform to speak up for people who need it. Especially when it’s the niche or group that I am apart of.  ~ The word G*psy has been used to describe and define a lifestyle that many nomads live. It’s used interchangeably with words like: nomad, traveler, vagabond, etc, used to describe a free spirited person just trying to find their own self philosophy. But did you know that the word G*psy was used primarily in a negative context to incite ethnic violence against the Romani people for many years? The lack of education around the word and it’s original meaning and use contextually is the reason why this article is...

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